Bob grew up in NYS and later Massachusetts. He and his wife Beth have lived in Bow since 1995. He is a past-president of Bow Open Spaces and has been a member since 1997. He is a retired physician.

Bob has been an avid orienteer since 1975 and has competed in forests from New Zealand to Sweden. He lives on the edge of Nottingcook forest and made an orienteering map of it in the fall, winter and spring of 2006-07. In doing so, he came to know the mappable features - the contours, forest changes, trails and rock and water features. During that winter, there were numerous times when he was only a mile or so from home or the nearest road but it felt like he was in wilderness. There have been orienteering events at Nottingcook sponsored by Up North Orienteers (of which he is a thirty-year member), our local Bow scout troop on a few occasions and Bow Youth Development on one occasion. You might find him in the woods on (or off) any one of Bow’s trails with his dog Willow.

Open space is critical to Bow’s future health and appeal. We need to protect it.

"In wildness is the preservation of the world” (Thoreau).